quarta-feira, julho 16, 2008

how to go about finding classical music you like

atendendo a pedidos, e como promessa é dívida, pago hoje a minha de republicar aqui no LesAmis um pequeno artigo originalmente publicado na minha comunidade Música Erudita no Orkut, por ocasião de meu início como moderadora por lá. o texto está em inglês, e espero que isso não seja um problema para boa parte dos meus leitores. se houver necessidade, providencio uma versão em português para não deixar nenhum interessado de fora. é só pedir. espero que gostem...

How to Go About Finding Classical Music You Like

The other day I was sent an interesting website reference in which you will find superb info on classical music. One of the sessions in special attracted my attention. A guide to help people's journey in exploring their own paths through classical music.

The following steps are, in resume, what was recommended by the website. I recommend you to explore the contents at its fullest at: www.classical.net. That's a great source!

Main steps for how to go about finding classical music you like

1. Listen to as much music as you can.
You can try checking out collections in libraries (especially in universities), listening to classical radio, attending concerts, and among many others, participating in communities... like this one! :)

2. Make note of the piece and composer.
Heard something that pleased you? Note of the title, composer, and the performer. Taking note of the type of music can also help a lot (ex: piano piece, large choral work)

3. Find a good recording.
There are several sources, like especialized periodicals, websites, communities, etc. Also, there are many great performances of a certain piece, and some of them may be very inexpensive, which does NOT necessarily mean poor quality. They can be great opportunities for experimentation without a lot of risk.

4. Find a good CD store or mail order source.
These days, we've got plenty of them both street stores and online. Also, this is a MP3 world, you can always experiment something before buying it (but then, be fair and think about the author's rights too, ok?)

5. What's next?
Now that you know you like at least one piece by given composer, you can begin to branch out to other works, composers and periods. One idea is to use the basic repertoire list available at www.classical.net.

I hope it helps. I found didactic and extremely interesting. Good listening!

2 comentários:

Marina Sala disse...


Muito legal o artigo! É simples e útil!

Obrigada pela ajuda!


coratogia disse...

""Les Amis de la Musique...'

ma , porque esto appelido, porque francesa?? (sorry my espanol is terrible ) not a french word more in all your beautiful pages..

from France .. Corsica island..Mediterranean sea..
un abrazzo por all musicoholics